Stephanie Harrison

Philosopher of happiness. Founder of The New Happy. Author of international bestseller NEW HAPPY. Leading a movement to build a happier world.




The New Happy is an organization built to advance the idea that happiness comes from helping others.



My book, NEW HAPPY: Getting Happiness Right In A World That’s Got It Wrong, was released on May 14, 2024 from Penguin Random House and was an instant international bestseller.



I speak at organizations around the world, helping them to drive both well-being and performance.

For speaking inquiries, please reach out to



I advise a select number of executives who seek to create cultures of well-being. For inquiries, please reach out to



My writing has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC and more. You can subscribe to my newsletter for more of my work.



I have been featured as an expert in over a hundred publications and am a part of the Verywell25, a group of the most esteemed mental health experts creating a better world.

For press inquiries, please reach out to